how to roast partridge

Roast partridge

Game is a superb eat local option. We work with Cartmel Valley Game who source as much as possible from local sporting estates and shoots in the Lake District. Patridge is quick and easy to prepare and you can even order it with the bacon rashers supplied and ready for roasting.

(Serves 1-2)


1 partridge

A lump of butter worked up with salt, pepper and lemon

1 or 2 rashers of streaky bacon

Croutons (fried bread)

Watercress to garnish


Heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6

Place the seasoned butter inside the bird and place the partridge in a well-greased roasting tin.

Lay the bacon rashers over the partridge and roast for about 20 minutes.

Serve on a base of the fried bread croutons and pour the tin juices over the roasted bird before garnishing with lemon slices and watercress.

Alternatively, add your favourite vegetables to the roasting tin before placing it in the oven, and cook the bird and vegetables together. Sweet carrots work well, or green vegetables of your choosing.

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